Quotes. about anything and everything i love too google quotes, some are quite insightful and others are just plain funny, some i don't get till the next day:
My favorite web site for quotes is: http://thinkexist.com/quotations
I get lots of my quotes off this.
Tattoos. Much too my mothers disdain, i adore tattoos, but not ugly meaning less ones or stupid ones of cartoon characters and naked women, the tattoos i like are the artistic ones that are on ones body for a purpose, too show something that is meaningful too them as a person.
They can be symbolic of a system of belief's, or of something that has impacted on ones life.
Black and White photography. I really like how black and white photography captures light, shade, line and texture in its most pure form. It reminds me that even the most complicated things can still be simple and beautiful.
Piercings. Much the same as tattoos i don't think mum would agree but i still like them. They're an age old practice of symbolism and although i don't know the symbolic meaning of may piercings, i like how they look different on everyone and there are some many ways a piercing can be done .
image from: http://vainstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/piercings.jpg
Camera's. Simply because they capture the moment, and preserve memories.
Black nail polish. I like my fake nails tipped black because it makes me feel less prim and proper, because that just doesn't suit me. And i just love black nails because they add edge too any outfit.
Rainy days. There's something very soothing and invigoration about the smell of rain and the way rain just cleanses the land, like natures taking a shower. I really like showers too. Plus where there's rain there's puddles and who doesn't love those.
Toaster Waffles. My new favourite breakfast food. They are simply amazing with caramel topping and banana. They also go alright with nutella. And only 30 seconds too cook whats not too love : )
There are so many more things i like but i think it will have too wait, no use exposing everything.