Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

 Body image, the one thing everyone cares about and has issues with in some way shape or form. Some people are crippled by low self esteem, hate their bodies and fear public opinion, others are over the moon, have self esteem coming out of there arses and love the attention wether it be good or bad. On a day to day basis we are bombarded with images of the perfect body, taught, toned, flat stomach, tight butt and perky boobs. The majority of the female population of Australia does not look like that, in fact the average Aussie woman is a size 14. The thing that makes it even worse is there are no standard sizing laws in Australia and any form of standard sizing template is dated back to post depression...... And that's recent. So sometimes I go into a shop and try on jeans il be a 10 and in the next shop il be a 14, then il be a 12. 
The fact of the matter is I don't want to be size 8 and model material all I want is to feel comfortable in my own skin, to wear a bikini without worry about my stomach wobble or my love handles and to go into multiple shops and be relativly the same jean size. Because to be honest with you I can't have sex with any form of light because I'm afraid of my own fat rolls, I'd rather keep my shirt on thanks (p.s sorry if you read that mum) although my partner tells me I'm beautiful and perfect the way I am and that he loves my squishy belly I don't ! So last night whilst in the shower, where I do my best thinking, I decided things need to change. With the support of my brilliant boyfriend I am going to do the 30 day ab and squat challenges, conquer my fear of breakfast and quit smoking. Not because I want to look like the girls in the magazines but because I want too feel comfortable in my own body. I don't want too see my size fluctuate, and I can't change or enforce sizing standards not right now anyway, so I am going to change me. For those who know me well and know I have never stuck to any form of fitness or health program of any kind, except for walking daily I still do that.  I will stick to it this time I need to, for my self esteem and my health. Here's to breakfast I will make you my bitch! 

If you have and suggestions please don't hesitate I need all the help I can get, also if you are wanting to follow my pictorial life follow me on Instagram @specsandcameralenses. 

Ttfn, tata for now


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel babe! We are all on a bit of a health kick up here so feel free to join in. We can all motivate each other!!


  2. It's great to have goals to to strive to be the best you can be. We all need to be conscious of our nutritional intake & exercise regime purely & simply for good health, no one gets a free ride in that department . But don't forget that beauty comes from within , no matter what size your clothing is you'll always be absolutely gorgeous to me! Xoxoxo p.s I didn't read the sex bit, lol
