I want leather shorts! the kind with the scalloped bottom that cute feminine look but they're still grungy because they're leather.... or pleather, cause i don't think i can afford leather. I want them to wear with my old, if not slightly worn Guns'n'Roses shirt and my Rolling stones shirt, and maybe I'll get myself a Nirvana shirt, just because rock bands are cool and they remind me of my dad.... Corney i know, but i love my dad.
I would also like to add that my mother may say that it is a bad idea to own a pair of leather/pleather shorts, but this does not worry my, a girls gotta make her own mistakes.
image from: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=leather+shorts+with+scalloped+bottom&hl=en&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=6tghyEJi9cB9sM:&imgrefurl=http://theretailtherapydiaries.blogspot.com/2011/06/snappy-scallops.html&docid=S0Nt0J5myKpxXM&w=224&h=320&ei=UEBvTpLFAeP-mAW0qsGbCg&zoom=1&biw=1366&bih=531&iact=rc&dur=93&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=98&start=0&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0&tx=53&ty=59
Leather shorts are in! and if you've got the legs for em...which you most certainly do, then they are hot!!
ReplyDeleteHave a snoop at my blog!
ReplyDeletethose shorts are so cool!