Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”-Kevin Arnold

Well dare i say it, but winter has FINALLY set in. The frosty mornings, fog when i breath, flannelet PJ's (in a leopard print pattern) the only Bright colours i can see are on my nails and the pinks and oranges in the sun setts. I quite like winter, things are quiet, and there's nothing better than drinking a hot chocolate on the lounge, or making s'mores by the fire with your bestest ladies in the company of your partners, yes life is quite good in the winter, there's an excuse to snuggle.
So far my winter has been amazing, picnics, tea parties, bonfires and all. This would have to be my favourite time of year, in case you couldn't tell, and no it's not because my birthday is in winter. Its because everything becomes naked in a way, its not glammed up by the summer sun, and its not blossoming in spring, its naked from the autumn and is in the process of being cleansed and renewed by the cold winters storms, and occasional snow, well where i used to live anyway.
My first purchase for winter was a blue polka dot leotard, not my smartest idea since it was a bet, that i lost, however i think its cute, and quirky and reminds me of my ladies and a really funny shopping trip we shared, and that's what really counts, the memories.

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